Wednesday, December 04, 2019

caroling party this sunday the 8th!

It's almost here! Our IYC Christmas Caroling Party is coming up this Sunday, December 8th! We'll be meeting early, at 4:30pm at church. Bring your Spirit-given Christmas Cheer, and we'll go out caroling to those who will appreciate our enthusiasm, if not our singing ability! Friends are welcome, too!
Also, if your last name is A-J, bring a dessert to share, if it's anything else, bring a side dish to share as we gather for our Christmas dinner party afterwards.  Also bring a well-thought-out-and-wrapped White Elephant gift for our beloved/dreaded gift exchange. Expect a hearty main dish, plenty of side dishes/desserts (provided by you) and a great, warm start to a blessed Christmas season!
In Christ, Tom

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